Saturday, March 7, 2020

Top Usopp's lies have become reality Part 1

Usopp is a character from the One Piece series famous for making anime fans laugh at their ridiculous behavior and besides that Usoop also often spreads lies. But did you know that Usopp's lies turns out that a lot has come true? Want know anything? Here is the list.

1)Pirates Attack 

Usopp's first lie and one of them the most popular is this. "Pirate come! Pirates are coming! "Usopp said each morning. This habit is to the point alarm for some villagers. It was indeed just Usopp's lie solely, but apparently in the end pirates really come! Klahadore who has been working as a maid in a friend's house Usopp, Kaya, turns out to be a pirate named Captain Kuro and he invited the child his men to attack the village!

2)My Bounty is 30 million Berry!

Most of you know that part the back of Usopp's head had been seen on a poster hunted by Luffy the Straw Hats. Usopp is like that proud of it to the point that he had a chance brag to Vivi. Usopp said as if the world is confused whether the game is worth 30 million it is for his head or Luffy's head.

The funny thing is, this Usopp lie became a reality when the value of Usopp's prey (or Sogeking) really appeared. Value even the game is exactly the same as Luffy's game value when it first appeared, which is 30 million!

3)Giant Gold fish

A long time ago, Kaya had heard lies Usopp about his battle with one giant goldfish. Unexpectedly Goldfish This giant really exists! Giant goldfish this appeared when the Straw Hat Pirates were about to leaving Little Garden island.But not only that, even Usopp's story about the "amazing" poop is the same exactly the reality. Dorry and Brogy also say the same thing that thing is the most "amazing" of this Giant Goldfish is the poop. Unique, right?

4) Land of the Dwarves

Besides the story about carp, Usopp's lies also includes stories about the land of the dwarves. It has become a habit for Usopp to "lying" for the sake of comforting ailing Rich-sick. But unexpectedly, long after Usopp really found the land of distant dwarves when they arrived at New World! Suku these dwarves are called the Tontatta Tribe from Tontatta Kingdom

5)Beautiful swordsman came to bring meat! 

In Thriller Bark, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji had a chance passed out due to his shadow being taken by Gekko Moriah. That time Usopp lied to all three to wake them up. Usopp said, "Beautiful swordsman came to bring meat! "and made Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji awaken instantly.A little later, Luffy followed the gladiatorial match for the sake of taking Mera-Mera no Mi. Who would have thought there was finally Luffy meet the beautiful warrior who brought it meat? Not only that, Usopp's lies were made reality.

6)I have 8000 Followers!


This is also one of Usopp's lies the most popular. Usopp even arrived mentioned it several times. Who would have thought Usopp will become a true pirate have that many followers? After Usopp saved the humans which is turned into a toy by Sugar, everyone praise him. I was so deified, the navy also recognizes the level of danger Usopp and give him the nickname "God"! Yasopp laughed at the poster hunted his son.

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